The latest version of Smart-Coffee can be found here: https://www.schematix.co.nz/forum/how-to-s/smart-coffee-pcb-v1-4
Smart - Coffee: Arduino Mega Version is highly customizable software that runs on an Arduino or similar microcontroller, to control the various functions of an espresso machine.
The software can be configured to replace the factory controller functions such as:
Control the boiler pressure using programable PID or PWM logic
Check the boiler water level through the factory-fitted probe
Refill the boiler by activating the pump and refill valve
If a water reservoir tank is present, it can check the water level using a probe OR via a switch. If the reservoir is empty, the element and pump will be disabled until the reservoir is refilled
In addition, the software can add extra features such as
OLED display that can show pressure, temperature, water tank level, mode, pump & element icons, and more in both metric or imperial units
Pre-infusion cycle what can be customized to pre-infuse the coffee grounds at low pressure before extracting the shot (activated when Espresso mode is ON)
Espresso Mode which can be customized to stop the pump after a programable amount of water is dispensed.
Flow meter which can keep track of how much water has been dispensed
Espresso timer which automatically stops the pump after a programmed amount of time
Water reservoir level can be measured using an ultrasonic sensor and printed on the display. No more manually checking to see if you need to refill the reservoir tank!
Pause a boiler refill from happening when an espresso shot is being made
Temp sensor which can be used to measure any temperature on the machine
Safe mode which can be programmed to shut down in the event the pressure and/or temperature exceed the programmed limits
Buy smart coffee here
Download a preview version of Smart Coffee software here
(The preview version allows you to view the Setup and Guide pages before purchasing)
Watch the video to learn more about smart coffee here
Video Playlist for configuring Smart Coffee here
Espresso Machine Compatibility:
Smart Coffee should be compatible with most single boiler (aka heat exchange) machines that have the following hardware:
Water Pump
Solenoid valve (to refill boiler)
Heating element
Boiler water level probe
Brewing switch
If your espresso machine uses a currently unsupported hardware configuration, you can submit a request below to have your hardware configuration supported with a future update.
UPDATES to Smart Coffee:
First Released Version
Added the option to use temperature as the target for the boiler element control.
Added the option to disable pressure safety limits.
Added the option to disable the pressure transducer.
Refined and optimized logic
Updated pressure reading units to display 0.0 resolution
Changed printed display value "Kpa" to "kPa"
Added multiple attempts to connect to max31865 temp sensor
Updated serial printing logic
Removed obsolete serial printing commands inside the brewing logic
Download STL files to print the SH1107 display mount here
Download the wiring diagram here
Download a preview version of Smart Coffee software here
(The preview version allows you to view the Setup and Guide pages before purchasing)
Adafruit MAX31865 board configuration: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-max31865-rtd-pt100-amplifier/rtd-wiring-config
Will there be updates for Smart Coffee? Yes, we’re brainstorming several ideas and features to add to smart coffee.
My machine has a different hardware configuration, will Smart Coffee support it in the future? One of our goals is to have Smart Coffee be highly compatible with most espresso machines. If your espresso machine uses an unsupported hardware configuration, you can submit a request to have your hardware configuration supported with a future update.
Do you offer technical support? No, we do not offer individuals technical support for installing Smart Coffee. Our videos, guides, information, and software are supplied for educational purposes only.
Are there any warranties given or implied? No. Smart Coffee software is supplied for educational purposes only.
Are future updates free to download if I purchase Smart Coffee? Yes, once you buy Smart Coffee software, future updates will be free to download. As the project evolves over time, there may be variants of Smart Coffee, for example, ‘Smart Coffee – Dual Boiler edition’ which may require a separate purchase.
Hardware list:
(affiliated links, thanks for your support)
Pressure transducer: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DD26P6x
Input: 5V
Sensor output: 0.5 ~ 4.5V
Pressure range: 0 ~ 0.4Mpa (400Kpa)
Thread: G1/4 (aka ¼” BSPP)
(thread adapter may be required to fit different machines)
¼” BSP to G1/4 adapter: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DmjM9T5
Right angle adapter: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DCGZhH5
Arduino MEGA 2560 PRO: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DEqZP9t
OLED display: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DlNwzh1
OLED SH1107 display
Interface: I2C
Pixels: 128x128
Input: 5V
Ultrasonic Ranging Sensor: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DdEwlEb
Model: A02YY
Output signal: PWM
Input: 5V
(Solid state relays with appropriate current and voltage ratings for the pump, refill valve, and element)
2 Channel SSR: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DEuadS3
Control: 5V Low-level logic (aka GND pin to turn relay ON)
Load current: 2A
Load voltage: 250VAC
40A Solid state relay: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DkRF9Ij
Control: 3 ~ 32VDC
Load current: 40A
Load voltage: 24~480VAC
MAX31865 temp sensor with probe: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DefQQLp
Adafruit MAX31865 board configuration: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-max31865-rtd-pt100-amplifier/rtd-wiring-config
Small size flow meter: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DFDQ3vv
Model: USN-HS06P
5 ~ 12V
6mm OD
30 ~ 150ml/min
Medium size flow meter: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_Dl8u7QT
Model: USN-HS06PS
6mm OD
0.1 ~ 1.5L/min
(For a high-pressure flow meter, google search for “GICAR flowmeter” or similar)
Chrome on/off Switch: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DdqG6h9
Micro USB panel mount: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DBQWf5h
5V PSU: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DBJgyX1
Model: MeanWell - RS-15-5
Output: 5VDC, 3A
2mm Clear acrylic sheet (for OLED display mount): https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DDmUUlh
(Display mount acrylic screen size: 2x38x50mm)
Connectors: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DdGNokf
(I used 2x 4pin connectors in my build, however this assorted pack comes in handy)
Plastic enclosure: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DD9Nslv
(Purchase an enclose that has sufficient space for the electronics you're using and fits inside your machine)
Shielded multi-core cable: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DmRkGGd
(26AWG, 10core shielded cable)
Dupont crimping tool: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DkR40YX
Rivet nut tool: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DE05vaf
I have found for everyone wondering how to get the screen run a little faster, that if you change the refresh rate of the screen from 200khz to 400khz, it refreshed a little faster, and so gets a little more precise without espresso mode. You can change it by replacing the line:
Adafruit_SH1107 display(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, &Wire, OLED_RESET, 200000);
By the line:
Adafruit_SH1107 display(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, &Wire, OLED_RESET, 400000);
this is because the max refresh rate of a i2c is 400khz
Will it work if I put the gicar flow meter because I’m not sure if it will work with 5v?
Have you used a pull up resistance for the flow meter? Because the return line one is still not quite accurate and sometimes doubles the actual value of the real water dispensed but sometimes is good. I don’t think noise can be the problem of that because I have correctly shielded all my cables
I don’t know if I did something good but after wasting 1kg of coffee beans, sometime the value of the dispensed water try to go to the other side. For exemple, it’s showing 40mL dispensed and the second after it’s shown 38mL dispensed. So I was wondering if the value if the medium flow-meter before the valve can change when doing coffee or if it’s the same when trying without coffee?
I know I might sound annoying at this pount but is there a reason why the pressure in the grouphead gets to 12bar of pressure instead of 8? I tried removing the small flowmeter and it gets me to 9 bar. So I was wondering at this point if the flowmeter was set in the wrong place or if the flow meter cause to much resistance. For context, I put the red part of the flow meter facing the opv valve and the not colored one to the tank! Thanks in advance
in the schematics, you put that 5v is the outpout for the ssr, but in the code you state that gnd is the output code, so which one is better?
Hi again, is it normal that the temperature sensor is reading -254 degreees celcius when I tried it? I soldier everything as said and the connections are ok. Everything should make it work but it’s still reading -254
Does the bare wire from the shileded cable need to be plugged in ground or V- on the power suply?
Is it possible to use the arduino version without the display and pressure transducer? I'm looking for a solution to replace a Gicar box with heating element safety feature.
I don't know where I would use a 10 core wire in this project. I plan to make a seperate wire to go to each sensor or control. Most only require 4 wires. 5V, GND, signal 1, signal 2
It is a lot of seperate runs but in my opinion, much easier to deal with. Since each sensor and control devices are located in different locations within my machine. If you find different solution, please post.
Thanks, will you use two times the same wire? Because the guy used a 10cores wite but yours is 4-5 cores?
Hey, I have just received my aliexpress order, I just want to point out that the cable cable that you recomend isn’t actually a shielded cable, maybe they changed their product but I just wanted to point it out. Thanks anyway!!
would it be fine if I decided to connect the line to the elemt pump and valve instead of connecting them to the neutral with the relays and ssr?
I have bought about everything that you suggested and the code! ;)
But it was a little bit confusing for some pieces to know which one to order, like the adapter, I took the type 5 because I think that's the one you took for your project because I have the same pressurestat as yours so it should be the same. It was also confusing for the 2 channel SSR because I didn't know if it was the high or the low so I supposed it was the low. Thank you for your time!!!
would this work with an arduino mega 2560, because I would want to add a distance controlled module so that I can start it from far away?
This is bloody amazing, Any way to keep up to date with the ESP 32 development. It would be cool if you could also integrate Home Assistant with this!! Also, I do definitely plan on getting the ESP version. I'm wondering if you could provide a updated list of sensors that I should still be getting? It would be nice to prepare for this version ahead of time and get everything needed. I have a Rocket Espresso Giotto Evoluzione R, I assume this would be compatible as well?
I just purchased and waiting arrival of the Smart Coffee board. In planning my task i noticed the max current on the on board SSR is 10A. Ny machine, an Expobar Office Lever has a 1200 W element. Should i plan on using an external SSR for the heating element. Worried about if any heat sink is on onboard SSR. Yhanks and looking forward to receiving the kit.
Hi Amon
Thought I would let you know I finished the Rancilio Miss Silvia mk3 designing and 3d printing a few new mods including an all in one Group-head cover with combined PID, Group Temp Gauge, LED Lighting & Flashing Red LED's when the water tank gets low.
So I am now going to use your New Software / Hardware for my latest project a Izzo Vivi my2 which was sold to me as good condition? (you got to love eBay Sellers) check this out ( Stress ball not Included )
Great project and just what I too have been contemplating for my 2007 Rocket Giotto Premium plus HX machine. My machine, bought new in 2007, has been faithful and reliable and I recently did a major service and expect another 10years out of her. However, I've been hankering to bring the hardware into the modern era with just such a project.
Anyway, I came here to suggest an option that may have already been mentioned by one or two others here already.
I'd really like to avoid having to drill any extra holes (if at all possible). A way potentially around that is to replace the pressure gauge (one fitted in my case) with an electronic multipurpose one that either has at least one manual button for the espresso profile and/or a touch screen that can be menu oriented where the options really open up to all sorts of possibilities.
Once again, great job and yet another innovation from our Kiwi cousins from across the ditch. 🏆
Hey Schematix this project looks awesome and exactly what I'm after! I have a Bezzera BZ99 with a dead Gicar logic board.
I hope it's not a stupid question, but the BZ99 has two boiler probes, from what I see in this project it utilised only one, would I be correct in assuming it'd still work okay and the controller would just connect to one or the other of my BZ99's probes?